
Tesla Service Experience – LEC Tesla Model X – Powered by ND Coal

MAY 30, 2019 – We had been experiencing a problem with the falcon doors not fully opening and sensing objects near the door, this made it difficult for a rear seat passenger to enter or exit the Tesla. This issue went on for about a month with Tesla support directing over several days and several…

Taking the Tesla to “Plug In to the Future”

AUG 28, 2019 – I was fortunate to take WATTS, Lignite Energy Council’s Tesla X, for 24 hours on a road trip to Minnkota Power’s “Plug into the Future” electric vehicle event and came away with more information than a Wikipedia page about EVs, their owners, infrastructure and perceptions. The first thing I learned was…

Electric vehicles can be amazing, but they are still a work in progress

AUG 21, 2019 – The Cloud Crashed my Tesla on the wrong side of town.  Luckily, I had lots of guns and ammo. One of my complaints about Tesla is that if there is a low-tech way to do something vs. a high-tech way to do something, Tesla will force the high-tech way on you,…

A Tesla’s Comfort in Extreme Cold

FEB 25, 2019 – After driving the Tesla in extreme cold weather and discussing the battery range, I wanted to spend some time focusing on comfort during the recent extreme cold weather. For comparison, here are our other vehicles: My daughter’s Fiat, my son’s Suzuki Esteem (yes, like Saul Goodman), my wife’s Jeep, a Suburban…